FOI CORRESPONDENCE CONFIRMS GLASS HOUSE SUMMIT CLOSURES Documents released through a FOI request confirm QLD National Park bureaucracy have plans to limit future access to Glass House Mountains summits. Concerns about future closures to Glass House Mountains summits are well warranted based on QNPS statements of support of local Aboriginal Groups who want to stop the public climbing to the summits of Mt Beerwah, Mt Tibrogargan, Mt Coolum and other GHM summits. A recent letter we received from the new Environment Minister, and local state member Andrew Powell suggests there is no plan to ban the public from the GHM summits (14 January 2025): However, among the correspondence released is a chain of emails from 4 July 2022 that discusses a Glass House Mountains Precinct Visitor Management Implementation Plan (see File E pages 92-95) . For some reason, the plan was not included in the documents released and we have asked the FOI officer why this is the case and for a...
QLD NATIONAL PARKS FOI RELEASE: PUBLIC ACCESS AT BEERWAH AND TIBROGARGAN SUMMITS Email 4 July 2022 - refer File E page 95 Key Facts • Despite recent assurances the Department still appears to be working towards closure of Glass House Mountain Summits including Mt Beerwah, Mt Tibrogargan, Mt Coochin and Mt Coolum, (I’ll provide evidence from the documents that support this in a subsequent post). • Risk to public from Landslides at Beerwah and Tibrogargan remains in tolerable range according to geotechnical advice. • It took over 12 months to process this FOI request – 12 time extension requests were made by the Department. • No documents were released with correspondence from aboriginal groups, contrary to the request. • 610 pages released (with much duplication). • Cost was $1366.70. • Over 3000 emails from “Office of the Deputy Director-General, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Partnerships’ excluded from the request, exempted under s41 of the QLD Right to I...