The new management plan for 202-2030 is now open for comment. Make sure your thoughts about climbing not only Ayers Rock but also Mt Olga are heard. A draft management plan for Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park is now open for public comment. This is the sixth Management Plan and will guide management of the park for a period of ten years after it is finalised. A copy of the draft plan is attached, as well as available online at: resource/Uluru-Kata-Tjuta- draft-management-plan To ensure comments are clear and concise, please: · list comments in order, and number them according to the relevant sections (e.g. prescriptions or actions) they relate to · state whether you agree or disagree with statement(s) made in this draft plan and give your reasons · if you disagree with a statement in ...
Our mountains belong to all of us. The Right to Climb them and bask in their views that inspire awe and wonder is as old as the human genome. This long-established cultural tradition is under threat by a small group of bureaucrats determined to impose their way on the rest of the world. It is right to Climb because we have the Right to climb. If you don’t exercise your rights you lose them. Don't let petty nanny state bureaucrats take them away.