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Showing posts from December, 2019

2020-2030 Management plan open to comment

The new management plan for 202-2030 is now open for comment. Make sure your thoughts about climbing not only Ayers Rock but also Mt Olga are heard. A draft management plan for Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park is now open for public comment. This is the sixth Management Plan and will guide management of the park for a period of ten years after it is finalised. A copy of the draft plan is attached, as well as available online at: resource/Uluru-Kata-Tjuta- draft-management-plan To ensure comments are clear and concise, please: ·           list comments in order, and number them according to the relevant sections (e.g. prescriptions or actions) they relate to ·           state whether you agree or disagree with statement(s) made in this draft plan and give your reasons ·           if you disagree with a statement in ...