BREAKING: NPWS EXTEND MT WARNING CLOSURE TILL 30 JUNE From Russell Madeley NPWS Director - Park Operations, North Coast "The temporary closure of Wollumbin has been extended until 30 June due to the impacts of COVID and widespread flooding on the consultation process." Sad that NPWS is using recent events as excuses for inaction. In the meantime the track which has received virtually no maintenance in the last 10 years has been subject to a number of high-intensity rainfall events and is only getting worse. The photo below from January 2021 shows how poorly NPWS are managing our park. Any repairs etc will now cost more and require more time to complete. The park closed as a temporary measure on the BS excuse of covid risk in March 2020 has been closed for 2 years with more to come. When will this gross incompetence and neglect of a National treasure end? How NPWS look after Mt Warning.
Our mountains belong to all of us. The Right to Climb them and bask in their views that inspire awe and wonder is as old as the human genome. This long-established cultural tradition is under threat by a small group of bureaucrats determined to impose their way on the rest of the world. It is right to Climb because we have the Right to climb. If you don’t exercise your rights you lose them. Don't let petty nanny state bureaucrats take them away.