At NSW Parliament Budget estimates this week Hon John Ruddick MLC used part of his time to question senior bureaucrats from NPWS about the closure of Mt Warning and future of the the summit track. Hon John Ruddick MLC, Libertarian Party NSW Of note was an admission by Naomi Stephens (NPWS Executive Director of Park Operations Coastal) that the current "temporary" closure would end on the 31/12/2024. Unfortunately, we did not hear what was going to happen after this date - another extension to the rolling "temporary" closures that have been in place since March 2020, a reopening, or a permanent closure. I have sent a follow up question to Ms Stephens and will post the reply, if it comes. A lot of the questions by John were "taken on notice" highlighting the lack of knowledge by both the Deputy Secretary, National Parks and Wildlife Service: Atticus Fleming and Ms Stephens. We are waiting to hear the answers. In April 2024 I sent Atticus Fleming a copy...
Our mountains belong to all of us. The Right to Climb them and bask in their views that inspire awe and wonder is as old as the human genome. This long-established cultural tradition is under threat by a small group of bureaucrats determined to impose their way on the rest of the world. It is right to Climb because we have the Right to climb. If you don’t exercise your rights you lose them. Don't let petty nanny state bureaucrats take them away.