We have been given access to minutes of meetings of the Wollumbin Consultative Group between 2011 and 2024. On the basis of the minutes it is clear the time for an independent public inquiry into management of Mt Warning National Park and the entire NSW Parks estate is long overdue.
Documents are made available as a matter of deep public interest in current management practices in our National Parks. What is happening at Mt Warning will be occurring in other Parks across NSW as NPWS continue to push for and develop handback and lease agreements of our public parks. In our view these plans are divisive: they prevent public involvement in managing public land, they will add considerable cost to managing our parks, and they will result in further irrational bans and limits on public access.
NPWS: "Custodians are looking at ways to progress handback at the June meeting. We envisage it will take 10-15 years for handback across the whole state."
NPWS: "We are here to talk about a MOU because the Minister says yes about joint management and handback."
At the meeting held with Minister Sharpe 24 February 2024 it seems the government is now moving to hand Mt Warning over to the WCG, accounting for the continued "temporary" closure of the summit track until the end of this year. This will effectively exclude the public from legal access to the summit. WCG: "Let's start the process of entering into a part 4A- leaseback arrangement"
Documents can be downloaded via this link (cut and paste into your browser, or click the link):
The documents reveal (direct quotes in italics):
- On 28 June 2011: WCG blocked listing of the 100+ year summit track as a European heritage item as it would be difficult for the group to restrict access to the summit. "Ian explained that the track was constructed in 1894 by workers who had built the railway from Casino to Murwillumbah. They did not follow the route taken by Aboriginal men." "If it were heritage listed it would be difficult for the group to restrict access to the summit."
- 28 August 2012: WCG approved a summit walk (Wollumbin Sunrise Club) on 28 August 2012 "it will benefit Aboriginal students in the area".WCG consider an extension of the Lyrebird track to provide an alternative to the summit walk on advice from NPWS: "OEH staff considers it is possible that by extending the loop, people will be encouraged to do this walk rather than climbing to the summit."
- 12 December 2012: WCG denies permission for a mobile kiosk to be set up in the Mt Warning Carpark. WCG proposed to charge an entry fee: "If can't stop them climbing, make the fee so high it will discourage them."
- 23 April 2013: Following closure due to storm damage in 2013 WCG and NPWS are well aware of the importance the mountain and summit track are to the local economy: "There was a meeting with affected businesses where NPWS explained that the track would be closed for long period. Owners explained that accommodation numbers were down, no demand for food services - some severely impacted."
- 21 May 2013: Economic importance: "The recent storm damage and community response demonstrates how interconnected and dependent the tourism businesses are with the mountain." "NPWS is not looking for an opportunity to make it bigger/better."
- 21 May 2013: Track repairs not to same standard. Perhaps explains the apparent increase in injuries after this date: "A commitment has been made to the Minister to get the track open by Christmas. It won't be to the same standard."
- 21 May 2013: Track is stable: "A geophysics report completed and shows the current alignment is stable."
- 21 May 2013: NPWS(?) suggest charging people to climb: "Better to look at paying (charging fee to climb?)."
- 21 May 2013: WCG: "If the track is going to open, make it as unattractive as possible."
- 16 July 2013 WCG approves pruning at summit to improve views: "Trim only what is necessary to maintain the clearing and allow the views with no ground disturbance". "A member of the local Aboriginal community is working with the crew".
- 11 March 2014: NPWS (?) on new draft Plan of Management: "The POM will emphasise cultural association and promote the "no climb" message."
- 14 October 2014: Aboriginal place declared. Draft POM circulated by NPWS emphasising the "no climb' message. WCG refuse request to film from the summit.
- 28 April 2015: WCG seeks removal of summit lookouts and chain and calls for NPWS to investigate a "virtual tour of the mountain". "The only way to stop climbing is with a big stick."
- 20 December 2016: "Massive increase in people climbing the mountain. 465 people a day is not sustainable." WCG proposal to limit numbers "250 people per day" and introduce a fee "eg $20-$25", "and closure between sunset and sunrise". "Motion: This group endorses the proposal to impose a permit and fee system for climbing/walking up the mountain. All in favour."
- 5 July 2018: Permit system still supported "Committee members still desire permit system. Win-win - better management of the Mountain and potential business opportunity."
- 5 July 2018: Interpretive panels at summit updated.
- 5 July 2018: Tweed Byron Hinterland proposal discussed and endorsed.
- 5 July 2018: Maintenance works purportedly completed - "removing rust from fittings of lookout posts, new balustrades being fabricated , replacement chain (just the chain)." (ed - note no evidence the later two items were completed).
- 23 April 2019
- Resolutions -
- 1."The WCG wants the mountain closed."
- 3. "The WCG wants custodianship of Wollumbin including further advice and actions on how this can be attained"
- 4. The WCG will develop a strategy with NPWS for closure."
- 14 August 2019
- "Find out what strategies were employed for closure at Uluru"
- 30 October 2019:
- "Acknowledges the great achievement at Uluru, noting this achievement support WCG endeavours with Wollumbin."
- Minutes indicate an "ABC article around culturally sensitive travel around Australia recommending 'avoid Wollumbin'" has been completed. (ed- ABC in league with the WCG! so much for unbiased journalism)
- Tweed Byron Hinterland walk now seen as an alternative to climbing Mt Warning: "John noted the requirement to link Wollumbin closure with the TBHP track openings."
- 28 January 2021
- NPWS affirm support of the WCG (ed-so much for independence in the Public sector!)
- Carpark access - "requires hard closure and signage"
- Aboriginal Place Management Plan discussed. NPWS to seek quotes from preferred suppliers listed by WCG.
- "Do we have to explain why it is being closed?" (ed - YES!)
- Resolutions:
- "1. The WCG requires the Minister to close the summit track as the public have been desecrating the Mountain for long enough."
- "2. By closing the summit track to the public access the Minister will provide the Mountain with time to heal.
- 3. The Minister should respect and support the Aboriginal Community in decisions on how Wollumbin is managed into the future.
- 4 November 2021
- Present from NPWS- Russell Madeley, Hon Catherine Cusask, Jenny Atkins
- 10 WCG attendees- redacted- not allowed to know
- Plan for 4 options to replace the summit trail- Caldera Rim Walk, Lyrebird Loop, Korrumbyn Creek Walk and Mt Chowan Link Walk Presented to WCG.
- Proposal to re-introduce Fleay's Barred Frog to Wollumbin - WCG - "will be moving Githabul Frogs."
- 1 June 2022
- Held at Mavis Kitchen - NPWS Russell Madeley (RM), Jenny Atkins
- 10 WCG attendees- redacted- not allowed to know
- Report on Flood damage to NPWS estate in northern NSW. NPWS aware of poor track condition: "Inspected Wollumbin Summit track a fortnight ago, track is washed out, overgrown, mountain is closing in on itself, Pulled up before heli 4."
- "Estimate it would take 4-5 months for team to clear track to make safe."
- RM - "If chain reinstated needs to be to Australian standards"
- RM - "If Wollumbin summit track is closed NPWS will do no maintenance. NPWS will consult with WCG about removing platform and infrastructure and will only do essential work at start of track to manage erosion."
- 26 July 2022
- Held at Mavis Kitchen - NPWS Russell Madeley (RM), Jenny Atkins
- 10 WCG attendees- redacted- not allowed to know
- Report on 4 options to replace summit trail. RM(?): "The goal is to provide alternatives for visitors climbing the summit. The cost of the Lyrebird circuit is higher due to erosion risks and potential of future weather events." WCG: "All of the walks are on culturally significant country but there are no cultural issues if people stay on track."
- Regarding the Aboriginal Place Management Plan: Quote for the day: We'll endorse it and now enforce it"
- 15 February 2023 ( A lively meeting!)
- NPWS Reps: Russell Madeley (RM), Naomi Stephens (NS), Angie Stringer (AS), Shannon Field, Cathy Kerr, Jenny Atkins
- 10 WCG attendees- redacted- not allowed to know
- RM: "A decision has been made to reopen the Wollumbin National Park including the Lyrebird Track once flood damage is repaired bu to keep the summit track closed to res[pect the wishes of the WCG."
- RM: "We now have a dedicated staff member (for Wollumbin)"
- WCG: "We have taken a hammering as a result of what you did. We've had attacks on social media... People are wanting to know who is on the WCG. It makes us not trust you fellas. We are expressing our anger. We had a protest at the Museum. We need you to protect us, otherwise we will not sit with you and share our knowledge."
- NS: "Is it the decision to establish the Wollumbin Stakeholder Advisory Committee (WSAC) that you are referring to?"
- WCG upset about others being able to have a say: "How you handled the process was appalling - creating another group in opposition to what we've been working with for 20 years. You've given other people a voice."
- WCG: "They are crowing because they got to conquer the mountain on Australia Day. This shows the racism in the Tweed alone."
- RM/NS confirm WSAC is not interested in seeing the summit reopened: RM: "They want to protect the values of Wollumbin and support the WCG." NS: "They want to support the WCG and your aspirations."
- NPWS confirm handback of the park is their agenda: RM: "NPWS has a plan to move to joint management. The intent of NPWS in joint management is we are trying to step up hierarchy, so you will have greater control." NS: "Joint management is about handback." "
- NS confirms Minister (ed Liberal minister James Griffin) has said yes to handback: "We are here to talk about a MOU because the Minister says yes about joint management and handback."
- RM: "The correspondence that has come from the Minister (ed James Griffin) states 'MOU is the first step to joint management" WCG: "We don't want joint management. We want handback."
- NS: "A MOU shows how serious we are in our commitment to the WCG. The Minister will sign it appoints people and you will be paid sitting fees. All of this is what you have been asking for. The Minister recognises your role."
- WCG: "We don't want sitting fees. We want the decision to hand the mountain back."
- Member of the WSG: "I'm sick of meetings (leaves meeting)"
- On the WSAC (ed no friends to the notion of public land - public access) : NS: "The WSAC would have preferred a transitional closure like the Uluru which took 18 months." WCG quibble over the name of the group:" I have always had a problem with 'stakeholders'. Can they be called a different name?" NS: "No that's not likely. If I was here wanting handback I would be considering an MOU as a first step."
- NS: "We will provide a brief about sentiments of the WCG wanting handback to the Minister." We will organise for the WSC to meet with the WSAC and ask them to be publically supportive of the WCG."
- WCG: "NPWS needs to say it is closing the mountain. Do not make it an Aboriginal reason for closing the mountain. Do not make it a cultural reason." NS: "We can't close the mountain out of respect for you and then lie about it."
- NPWS intention to handback all National Parks in NSW made clear: AS: "Custodians are looking at ways to progress handback at the June meeting. We envisage it will take 10-15 years for handback across the whole state."
- Minutes of meeting between WCG and WSAC held 2 May 2023
- Present NPWS Russel Madeley (RM), Naomi Stephens (NS), Jenny Atkins
- Present from WCG, WSAC redacted
- Move to remove the term 'Stakeholder" and change the name to "Tweed Byron National Parks Recreation Committee" - "Agreed for further discussion."
- NS: "We are continuing the temporary closure of Wollumbin to respect the WCG and allow formation of a MOU."
- "Discussion that WSAC are supportive of intent of the WCG."
- 22 February 2024 (Minister Sharp meets with WCG).
- Attendees redacted ( Russell Madeley (RM) mentioned in notes)
- Guests: Hon Penny Sharpe MLC, Levi Joule, Tamson Lloyd
- WSAC: RM WASC "Met with the Minister this morning and attendees were very supportive of need to protect cultural heritage on Wollumbin."
- Requests to participate of WCG: RM: "Boyds have made many reps to NPWS over the last 12-18 months requesting to be part of the WCG." WCG: "have been opportunities or individuals to participate in the past and raised concerns about possible disruption", "We know they will be disruptive." Resolved that "NPWS invite Sturt Boyd to next WCG meeting".
- Creamer report: "RM explained Mr Creamer (ed former NPWS anthropologist) is keen to meet with the WCG. " WCG: "The research appears flawed. I've got nothing to share with Mr Creamer." RM: "Resolved that WCG members feel it is not appropriate for Harry to address the group."
- Alternative visitor experiences: RM "It will be a very expensive undertaking."
- Maintenance on park: Weed control works planned - "opportunity to have Aboriginal contractors undertake this work if that is most appropriate." WCG: "NPWS need to be sensitive to cultural safety for its employees"
- MINISTER arrives 2:35pm
- MINISTER asked about how the petition is going.
- MINISTER responds: "There has been a push by the Libertarian Party, and it is my objective to ensure that increasing consultation will help support advice that Parliamentary Inquiry will NOT be necessary."
- MINISTER : "Agreed it would be good to get Sturt Boyd to attend a future meeting." WCG: ""I think its a waste of time. We need to be talking about handback. The Boyds can talk about what Granny Millie said and didn't say, and it is a ridiculous game and we're going around in circles."
- Joint Management/Handback WCG: "What opportunity is there for joint management into the future?"
- MINISTER: "We are caught in a political culture war, but we are pursuing future joint management processes in NPWS."
- WCG: "How do we move forward with joint management arrangements?"
- RM: "NPWS are exploring a new, consistent model of joint management within NPWS."
- MINISTER: "I would like to explore if there are opportunities for joint management around treaty arrangements. I need to better understand where the government sits on this and I will look into it further."
- WCG: "Let's start the process of entering into a part 4A- leaseback arrangement"
- ACTION: NPWS to send information about joint management arrangements to members.
- 4 September 2024 - WCG meeting with Sturt Boyd
- List of attendees redacted
- Guests: Jess Birrell, Sturt Davis (Boyd)
- "Questions were raised at Parliament regarding Wollumbin and were addressed by the Minister, Anthony Lean, Atticus Fleming and Naomi Stephens."
- JB "Conservation action plans (CAPs) being prepared and will be provided to WCG for review. Some reluctance to sign off on CAPs prior to decision making around access to the summit. An interest in the declaration of Aboriginal Cultural AIS was shown." (AIS- Assets of intergenerational significance) (ed - note there are 5 AIS sites in Mt Warning National Park. It appears NPWS may use these to exclude public access with conservation action plans in development. A cultural AIS may be used to limit public access in the park.)
- Sturt Boyd request to participate.
- Sturt "I'm the son of Marlene Boyd and grandson of Millie Boyd. I'm the traditional owner, my nan gave that [mountain] to me and my mum. She had a plaque up there. She taught me a lot of things about that mountain [Wollumbin]. If you put me on the WCG I'll tell you all my stories."
- WCG: "The Tweed people own that mountain. Millie Boyd never owned that mountain. She had knowledge of the mountain, but she is not the only one."
- Sturt: "I'm Ngarakwal born up in Kyogle. Harry Creamer interviewed my grandmother."
- WCG: "Harry Creamer didn't interview everyone with knowledge of Wollumbin. We do not deny that your grandmother had knowledge of Wollumbin, but there are other stories too."
- Sturt: "There are white fellas businesses that have lost money because you closed that mountain. you can't reject me, I'm the traditional owner. I'm the watchman. I want to be a member so I can open up that mountain for the white fellas."
- WCG: "Harry Boyd was a member of the WCG for years. You've been away for 20 years. You are not on the list of family members in the Arakwal Corporation. All the people sitting around this table are connected with that mountain. We have been trying to look after that mountain for the last 20 years."
- "Majority vote against Sturt Davis joining the WCG, as he has showed disregard for existing members connections and other cultural stories associated with Wollumbin. The WCG reject Sturt Davis' notion that he is the traditional owner and watchman for the mountain and that his family are the only custodians of the mountain. WCG reject that Sturt Davis' grandmother was the owner of Wollumbin as this is not factually correct."
- Harry Creamer request to meet
- "Correspondence has been received by NPWS and some individuals on the WCG from Harry Creamer requesting more information. WCG do not wish to meet with Mr Creamer.
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