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Mt Warning security - NPWS blowing $7000 per week

I asked Hon Mark Latham if he could ask some questions of the new Environment Minister Penny Sharpe about the costs of securtity at Mt Warning. The answer below.

It turns out NPWS are forking over $7K per week for security at the carpark to prevent people from exercising their right to climb to the summit. The estimated costs of repair of the track and replacing the chain can be reasonable be estimated to be around $150000. Though Government procurement practises will probably push this up by a factor of 2 or 3 (there's efficency for you!). So since April NPWS have wasted the amount of money that could have been used to repair and reopen the summit track. 

A few years ago cars in the carpark at the base of the walk were routinely vandalised with tyres slashed and windows smashed yet NPWS did absolutley nothing about improving security of park patrons. Now they are employing guards to prevent patrons from climbing. Its clear from their actions who NPWS regard as the "real"criminals with money being wasted to stop visitors using their park.'

Our government has been taken over by activist bureaucrats who have little regard for our democracy. 

In the meantime there are now real threats on the future of public access in the Glass House mountains across the border in QLD, with Mt Tibrogargan and Mt Beerwah under genuine threat of imminent permanent closure as Queensland Public servants ditch the Enlightenment and tip their head to mystisicm and superstition. 

Stand up for your rights!

Mark's questions and the Minister's response appear below: 

121 - Environment - MT WARNING NATIONAL PARK

Latham, Mark to the Minister for Energy, Minister for Climate Change, Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage

(1) Can the Minister please advise if the National Parks and Wildlife Service has stationed security guards at Mt. Warning National Park?

(2) If so:

(a) Which security company is providing this security service?

(i) What was the tender process through which their services were obtained?

(b)How many security guards are employed on site?

(c) Are the security guards engaged on a permanent, part time or other contractual basis?

(d) What is the weekly cost of stationing these security guards on site?

(e) Why is security needed?

(2) How much did the removal of the temporary council gate located on Mt. Warning, three kilometres from the Breakfast Creek carpark in February 2023, cost?

(3) What were the installation costs of the replacement steel barriers across the park entrance at the National Park boundary?

Answer -

I am advised:

(1) Security has been engaged to implement the park closure in Wollumbin National Park.

(a) Safe Security Services has been engaged.

(i) Safe Security Services was engaged after a Request for Quotation from a registered small to medium regional enterprise.

(b) For personal safety, two guards must be on site given the remote location.

(c)The company is engaged on a casual hourly basis.

(d) Approximately $7000 per week.

(e) Security was engaged to ensure public safety while the park remains under repair and to ensure the current closure of the Summit Walking Track and the Wollumbin Aboriginal Place is maintained. It was an immediate response to increased attempts to illegally access the closed park once the barrier across Mount Warning Road was removed (1-2 April 2023) and then over the Easter long weekend (7-10 April 2023). Security services have been extended due to significant numbers of people still trying to unlawfully access the site.

(2) There was no cost to the National Parks and Wildlife Service in relation to removing the gate on Mount Warning Road. The temporary gate was removed by Tweed Shire Council as part of maintenance works on the road.

(3) There is no cost for the temporary barriers erected at the park boundary. The temporary safety barriers are owned by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and are used to secure building sites as standard practice.

A permanent NPWS gate has been erected at the park boundary for an estimated cost of $11,500, excluding GST.

Question asked on 29 May 2023 (session 58-1) and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 15

Answer received on 20 June 2023 and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 30

News coverage

Courier Mail report: Mt Warning closed: Staggering taxpayer bill for guards to stop walkers


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