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Showing posts from March, 2025

Right to rev: Now Mt Panorama under threat

The spiritual home for motorsport in Australia, Mt Panorama in Bathurst, is the latest place to be under attack from the irrational demands of aboriginal groups.  Ben Fordham 2GB...  "is someone taking the piss here"  The report below from The Australian: Link to article Indigenous sacred status bid for iconic Mount Panorama site James Dowling The fringe Indigenous group that brought down the billion-dollar Blayney mine project has laid the groundwork for an unprecedented legal bid to declare the peak of Mount Panorama, overlooking Australia’s iconic motor racing circuit, a sacred site, after one of its former members’ ashes were scattered there. The Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation, which launched a successful last-minute effort to scupper the goldmine last year, has sought to register the peak as a state heritage site, after it held a smoking ceremony and scattered the ashes of former member Uncle Brian Grant there in late 2022. McPhillam...

Budget estimates - hot air from Minister on Mt Warning and NP handovers

Budget estimates - hot air from Minister on Mt Warning and NP handovers Hansard extract Budget Estimates 3 March 2025 NSW budget estimates are currently on. Hon John Ruddick, Libertarian Party MLC, has asked some searching questions of Minister Penny Sharpe in relation to Mt Warning and handover of NSW National Parks to aboriginal groups.  Relevant Hansard below - can be access via this LINK  (will open Hansard PDF file).  On both issues no firm answers from the Minister to any questions and no commitment to reopen the  Mt Warning summit to the public. Mt Warning has been closed for nearly 5 years - half a decade of intransigence on the part of both the previous Liberal Government and current Labor government that still has the mountain and lives of the surrounding community in limbo.  Clear message is that a vote for the Libertarians, and their greater success, is the only way this will reach a satisfactory conclusion.  Thankyou John Ruddick MLC for your c...